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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Assignment 2.2

Reading through all the different learning styles, I have come to the conclusion that everyone who studies this subject comes to the same conclusions, it depends on the learner.  Majority of the research shows that visual (V), auditory (A), and tactile/kinesthetic (T) are the foundations for learning.  From the other side of the podium, if you use these three characteristics when delivering the material to your students, then you will be successful. 

With all the research showing that VAT is the foundation of delivering and receiving information, is all the other research on learning styles just an over analysis of the basics? 

We could debate all day long about how the environment is a factor in learning or how introvert or extroverts learn differently, but it all boils down to how the material is presented.  I think as the human race we try to over analyze anything and everything.  If someone is different, we try to put them into a category so we can try to understand their actions or thought processes.  So are we just over analyzing others to try and meet our desire to understand them?  It seems that once we find a style that fits our need, then we try and push our views onto others so they will think like us. 

Before I step off my soap box I would also like to know your opinions on one more subject.  Online learning is here and now.  It is an active part of education from kindergarten to graduates degrees.  Not having face to face interaction throws out a lot of the learning style theories because they were based off of observational periods.  Without the face to face interaction and being able to see the student’s mannerisms or personality it is hard to apply a traditional teaching style/learning style.  So I would like to know your opinion on this matter.  Do you think the traditional learning/teaching styles are outdated because of advancements in technology?   

Thanks for hearing out my thoughts and I can’t wait to read your opinions!
