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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Assignment 2.2

Reading through all the different learning styles, I have come to the conclusion that everyone who studies this subject comes to the same conclusions, it depends on the learner.  Majority of the research shows that visual (V), auditory (A), and tactile/kinesthetic (T) are the foundations for learning.  From the other side of the podium, if you use these three characteristics when delivering the material to your students, then you will be successful. 

With all the research showing that VAT is the foundation of delivering and receiving information, is all the other research on learning styles just an over analysis of the basics? 

We could debate all day long about how the environment is a factor in learning or how introvert or extroverts learn differently, but it all boils down to how the material is presented.  I think as the human race we try to over analyze anything and everything.  If someone is different, we try to put them into a category so we can try to understand their actions or thought processes.  So are we just over analyzing others to try and meet our desire to understand them?  It seems that once we find a style that fits our need, then we try and push our views onto others so they will think like us. 

Before I step off my soap box I would also like to know your opinions on one more subject.  Online learning is here and now.  It is an active part of education from kindergarten to graduates degrees.  Not having face to face interaction throws out a lot of the learning style theories because they were based off of observational periods.  Without the face to face interaction and being able to see the student’s mannerisms or personality it is hard to apply a traditional teaching style/learning style.  So I would like to know your opinion on this matter.  Do you think the traditional learning/teaching styles are outdated because of advancements in technology?   

Thanks for hearing out my thoughts and I can’t wait to read your opinions!



  1. Danny, I feel that online learning is changing learning styles. Now dont get me wrong, we will always have our preferred type of learning. But we will have to find ways to adjust our learning styles to the online classroom.

    I am an auditory learner and I have to do some serious adjustments to my learning. I often read my text aloud. I find that I like to research videos on youtube and listen to them. while I dont often watch the video, I gain knowledge just from listening to someone talk.

    If there is a class where I dont feel I can obtain what I need online, I will choose to take the class in a classroom. Luckily I live in Bellevue and was able to attend the KSS class in a classroom. I am sure that i would have really struggled with the class if I took it online.

    It is a good thing that we as humans can adapt.

  2. I think you are right on with your opinion. I am proof that the information technology era makes a difference with a person learning styles. I often struggle with some of the requirements even though I am a kinesthetic and visual learner. I need time to absorb the information and I like working with someone, the internet makes that almost obsolete, other than virtual video. Don't get me wrong, I still believe it is a good thing, I just see where my struggles are coming from, my past experiences and my feelings of frustration because I don't get it sometimes.
    I do think that the personality and learning style tools are more important in order to help the learner with the IT era. What do you think about the tools?

  3. I do actually agree with you, Danny! I have trouble dealing with, what I perceive to be, the "label" aspect of learning styles. With education becoming so high tech, I think that a lot of those theories are going to have to be re-evaluated, or reworked altogether. From the research I did this week in alternative learning styles, I think there is more of a component of innate personality that just doesn't get taken into account with the traditional learning styles. But like everything else in life, everything changes eventually.
    Good post, good question & your blog so does not look like poo! ( I love the thinking chimps. lol)

  4. I have a little something to say about this because I have been involved for the past 6 years in designing computer based training. When it comes to learning styles, sometimes it seems that the best you can do is to get a feel for who your audience is going to be so you can relate the content to them as much as possible to keep attention, and engage as many senses as you can (audio, visual, "kinesthetic" (as kinesthetic as you can get on a computer). So, yes, things are a little different in some aspects from traditional teaching methods, but some things remain the same. You still need to present the information in a coherent manner, information still needs to be chunked properly so that students aren't overloaded, etc. Those are my two cents.

  5. Hi, Danny , I enjoyed reading your blog and I think it's very creative how you design it. I also enjoyed reading your comments and keep up the good work.

  6. Hi Danny, I do think it is a different type of learning online versus the actual classroom setting. Online learning is not meant for everyone. Those students who are the "hands-on" learners I feel would struggle with the online learning setting. This is more visual and auditory learning. You really need to set goals and maintain organization to be successful in this online learning environment. This is my second degree online and honestly I would not have it any other way. I like being able to do my homework and go in and out of class at all hours of the day.
    Love the think chimp by the way !!
    Tonia Watson-Pieffer
